Public Consultation Form

Prior to the commencement of the Process of Granting Operating Licenses 2020, the Superintendence of Casinos in Chile will open the Public Consultation period. To participate:

  • Enter your email address and download the Terms of Tendering Draft.
  • After its review, complete the following form to make inquiries or request clarification if necessary.
  • Once the Public Consultation period is completed, all inquiries will be collected and a summary of the principal clarifications will be published, along with the definitive Terms of Tendering, after which the official process will begin.

Enter your email address and Download Terms of Tendering Draft

“For all legal purposes, the official Terms of Tendering and its Annexes are the Spanish documents. The English translations are only for reference.”


*Required fields.

It is the responsibility of the State of Chile to determine, as outlined in the terms delineated in this law, the requirements and conditions under which gambling and its corresponding betting can be authorized, and their general regulations, as well as the authorization and auditing of approved entities that develop them, and therefore, agreement upon the commercial use, on the basis of law and order and national security that its authorization entails. It is the sole responsibility of the Superintendence of Gambling Casinos to authorize or deny in each case the operation of casinos within the national territory.  Article 2, Law 19.995